Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Conclusion


     More than 1000 people have died in the past 100 years in the Bermuda Triangle. In reality that is only 10 persons per year, which may not sound like a lot, but it sure does have me curious. How they died is what has sparked many legends. After all my  research I have explored I feel more knowledgeable and do actually believe that there is more to this mystery than we know. Numerous stories, myths, and legends have been made up throughout the ages, and I predict will only increase throughout the years. Scientist to this day are still figuring out why all the unexplained mysteries have happened and are exploring the sea floors finding ancient cities, which could led to the lost city of Atlantis, and under water trenches, which could led anywhere to other places in time or other dimensions. The outcome is defiantly plausible, and only time will tell.The picture below captures a great imagine of what it would look like through my eyes. 

Viklund Andreas. "40 Years of Faulty Wiring"
67 Years After Flight 19, the Bermuda Triangle Remains a Freakish Mystery
N.D. Web. 24 Oct. 2012

Can There Be Evidence?

     It's very hard to find sufficient evidence to support my theory; it has never thought out to be made true. It is almost impossible to know if this is indeed a fact or just another myth, but one thing for sure is that it's very interesting and we may in fact never know the truth. As states, the area has very strange magnetic fields and methane gas on the seas floor. These may or may not be evidence to support the myths. Storms are very severe in this area with numerous hurricanes and tidal waves, could this in fact have anything to do with it? Below is a picture showing the exact location, perhaps a portal could lie within. Stating some research found on it explains that wormholes, vortex's, other dimensions, UFOs, and Atlantis, are all examples that something indeed could be in the Bermuda Triangle. Many authors have published fascinating stories over the years about the phenomenons, and legends going in the triangle. While nothing has proved to be made true to this day, it still makes for a very interesting stories. 

The "Mystery" of the Bermuda Triangle. Bermuda Triangle
Map. N.D. Web. Oct 24. 2012


Quasar J. Gian . "Bermuda-Triangle." The Bermuda Triangle." 1999. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. <>
" The Strange and Paranormal." Bermuda Triangle. 2001. web. 24 Oct. 2012. <>

Monday, October 22, 2012

Some Creepy Stories

      Looking through history, it has been said more than 1000 ships and planes have disappeared in the Triangle area over the past five centuries, and to this day continue to do so. There are many stories of disappeared planes and ships, As the picture shows below and according to the website A few are the USS Cyclops, which was a carrier ship that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle and is still one of the greatest mystery's today. Another one is Flight 19, taking off from the U.S Naval Base of Florida for a routine training session, but never returned. Another is the Ellen Austin, an American schooner, which met with another ship in Bermuda Triangle, the ship that was moving in full speed strangely had nobody on board. Also the lost city of Atlantis explained at is another possible mystery that lies within the Bermuda Triangle. It could indeed be a portal to another place in time, or a future city. Scientist's have been diving and exploring the sea bottom and have came across huge pyramid's and roads that were submerged under the water thousands of years ago. Indeed it could be a passage to another world, it's just another mystery of the Bermuda Triangle and if there are really portals to other dimensions.


Raj, "Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Facts and Myths" Lost Planes and Ships in Bermuda Triangle. N.D. Web. 21 Oct. 2012 <>.
"Atlantis." Oracle Think Quest. N.D. Web. 21 Oct. 2012 <www.think>.

 Bermuda Triangle,"Devils Triangle."Natures Mystery. N.D. Web. 21 Oct. 2012 <>.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Some Bizarre History

Karmalilly, "The Bermuda Beast".
Bermuda Triangle Solved. 2011.
Web. 15 Oct. 2012

     One of the most commonly known and most famous eerie disappearance hole that could be a portal to another dimension is the Bermuda Triangle, or also known as the Devil Triangle. It's location is off the coast of Florida in the Atlantic ocean, and generally thought of as having apexes at Miami, Bermuda, and San Juan. This area contains some of the world's deepest trenches, and has strong frequent water spouts and storms that become very violent, which has led me to question it. Many unexplained appearances in this area have been know throughout our history, leading many pilots and sea captains to be wary of the situation and keep precaution when traveling through. As the pictures demonstrates, the Bermuda Triangle is just one of the portals or gateways to other dimensions. Scientists have made observations in this area, reporting bizarre magnetism and gravitational forces that cannot be explained by physics, having a possibility of a dynamic opening and closing portals to other places. The lost city of Atlantis was believed to be located in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle, which has speculation of being the most interesting aspect of it all. " According to the website mystical blaze, "The Bermuda Triangle is a fascinating area worth a rich history that does seem to to be a conductive to supernatural phenomena in some respects, though further analytic study is is definitely needed.

"Other Dimensions." Mystical Blaze. N.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012.<>.

Rosenberg, Howard."The Bermuda Triangle. Freqently Asked Questions. N.D. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. <>.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Are Portals True? Do They Exsist?

     Portals to other dimensions and realities, are they real or not? Is this crazy talk or is this actually possible? I will be exploring this to acknowledge the facts or the fictions, and then determine the possibility of the outcome. I choose this topic on the matter of myself always questioning is there a way? What would it be like? I do believe that there is a chance it could of already happened or is in the process now. Anything is possible these days and with science involved it could be done. Referring to the picture below, seeing a portal for the first time I picture it as a hazy cloud figure with no life around it, a easy gateway to another world. There are endless possibilities of what could be on the other side, from monster to people to basically anything, even a copy of us in the same form. With more research I will only then determine what I truly think of the subject and possibilities that hide from within.

"Retro RPG." Nexus: Portals to Other Places and Times. N.D. Web. 11 Oct. 2012 <>.